Top Risks You Take With a DIY Interior Renovation

Many homeowners believe that they can improve their home’s property value with an interior renovation project. Unfortunately, most of these people also want to save money in the process and try to complete a kitchen or bathroom renovation through DIY methods that can lead to a multitude of problems.

Before you break ground on your next project, make sure that you review our top risks that come with a DIY renovation and consider bringing in a professional to offset any costly mistakes.

You Could Be Breaking Compliance Codes

Any larger renovation project requires acquired permits and strict adherence to city compliance codes. Even with experience in remodeling, you could complete your renovation against compliance requirements and your home will not be considered up to code.

This presents serious problems when you try to sell your home down the line and your home fails its inspection. At that point, your DIY effort has backfired because you would face fines from the city and be forced into expensive repairs that could have been avoided if you had worked with a contractor that understands following compliance codes from the inside out.

The Project is Likely More Than You Can Handle

Even completing one DIY project like a bathroom remodel could be a bite that is too large for your experience to chew. Not only do you have to worry about the numerous tasks involved with the renovation, but you also have to carry on with other responsibilities in your life like work and family obligations.

This can leave the portion of your home that’s under renovation out of use for months on end. Hiring a professional contracting team helps alleviate any DIY stress as their specialty to the craft makes your project run smoothly and within a reasonable deadline.

DIY Interior Remodeling Presents Safety Hazards

Hiring a professional team of remodeling contractors is recommended for a reason; in short, construction can be dangerous work. 

From exposure to dangerous substances like lead paint and asbestos, to not knowing how to operate any rented construction equipment, there are several safety hazards involved with attempting a DIY interior remodel.

A professional contractor has the equipment, protective gear, and experience to complete your remodel with the guarantee of yours and their safety.

You Could Make Costly Mistakes

Finally, it’s easy for a DIY job to go wrong and costly mistakes are made. During your renovation, plumbing can be punctured, electrical wires can get damaged, or, you could even complete the job only to find that some of your essential dimensions were off. 

Any plumbing or electrical repairs and construction “re-dos” can end up costing a homeowner more money than it would have been to hire a professional from the start.

 Avoid having to pay for your DIY mistakes. Let the experts at Shepherd Renovations help you see your job to completion from initial planning to the final drop of paint.

Avoid All Risks and Bring in the Professionals of Shepherd Roofing & Renovations

If you have a kitchen, bathroom, or other interiors to remodel and bring to life in your home, let the experts of Shepherd Roofing & Renovations help. We have been a contracting stable in Dallas-Fort Worth for decades and have the equipment and knowledge to complete your project without the stress that comes with common DIY mistakes.

Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule our team for your next interior renovation.